Newton's Ben Silva will participate in the Democratic National Convention

Next week, Sussex County Democratic Committee member and Newton resident Ben Silva will take part in the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia as a member of the New Jersey delegation.

Silva01.jpgThis photo shows Ben introducing candidate Bernie Sanders to the crowd at a Sanders rally at Rutgers University this past May.

Ben will be attending next week’s convention as an alternate delegate committed to Bernie Sanders.

During summer recess from university, Ben is serving as filed organizer for the SCDC. As such, he is coordinating Josh Gottheimer’s Sussex County campaign to unseat Scott Garrett in the Fifth Congressional District and Michele Van Allen’s bid for a seat on the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Ben also currently serves as Co-chair of the SCDC’s Young Democrat Committee.

Also attending the convention as a delegate pledged to Bernie Sanders is Richard McFarlane. McFarlane sought the nomination to oppose Rodney Frelinghuysen in the 11th Congressional District which includes about one third of the voters registered in Sussex County. While Joseph Wenzel won the June Democratic primary election to become the party’s nominee in CD11, McFarlane carried the Sussex County portion of the district.

Here’s a complete list of New Jersey’s delegates to the National Convention.
