The Sussex County Democratic Committee will once again join The Center for Prevention and Counseling to help bring awareness to an epidemic that has effected us all on some level. Our participation and donations will help provide resources to family, friends, and neighbors in need.
The Changing the Face of Addiction Walk will be a Virtual Event held on August 1st, 2020.
Join us virtually to kick off the event with a live stream of speakers and activities. Walk in your own neighborhood, local park or anywhere with your friends and family. Show support for our team and walk together in small groups. Share your experience by posting a photo and tag our page @SussexDems and The Center @CFPCNJ with the hashtag #walktosavelives.
Recovery is real for people with substance use disorders and our whole community benefits when we make recovery more accessible and attainable. Center for Prevention and Counseling provides a wide variety of programs and supports for people to recover. Our sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, cousins, loved ones and friends who thrive in recovery then become the foundation for others to find hope, healing and a pathway forward.
We hope that you will consider joining our team.
Sussex County Democratic Committee
Contest Award Categories from The Center:
Spread the word, share your achievement with your friends and don't forget to tag us on social media @SussexDems and The Center @CFPCNJ with the hashtag #WalkToSaveLives to enter the contest below.
1. Most Enthusiastic Team Photo
2. Best Spirit Wear
3. Best Motivational Message
4. Most Unique Walk Route