VOTER REMINDER POSTS, Day 13 - T-7 and Counting

One week to go, folks! Have you voted yet?

If you are a VBM voter, why wait? You can fill out your ballot right now and take it to your nearest drop box. Or you can take it up to the Board of Elections in Newton and drop it with them.

If you plan to vote early in-person, you've got five more days at three Sussex County locations before early voting ends.

If you are going to the polls on November 8, just remember that polls are open from 6 AM- 8 PM. You probably already got your sample ballot in the mail, which includes information about your polling location. If for some reason you never received your sample ballot and don't know where you are supposed to vote, here's a handy little online tool you can use to get the information.

Most of all, commit to vote. And convince others to do so as well. Our democracy needs you.

You can reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions or need more information.

  • Leslie Boen
    published this page in News 2022-11-01 19:44:11 -0400
  • Leslie Boen
    published this page in News 2022-11-01 19:44:08 -0400
