VOTER REMINDER POSTS, Day 12 — The Scary Season

Halloween is officially upon us, and the scary season is here. But do you know what's even scarier than the ghosts and goblins, witches and warlocks who will show up at your door tonight? Not voting this year.

The Republicans are envisioning and creating the scariest world that most of us have ever known and thought possible.

Here's what we will have in store for our future:

*No free and fair elections.
*No social safety net.
*No Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid.
*Tax cuts for the wealthy, trickle down for the rest of us.
*No social mobility.
*Nothing done about climate change.
*Privatized schools with religious instruction.
*No freedom of religion.
*No freedom to marry who you love.
*No bodily autonomy for women.
*Violence threatened against anyone who disagrees with this plan.

So don't let this Halloween nightmare come to pass. Please vote, vote straight blue, and vote in numbers too big to ignore. Reach out to us (or take a look at our last 11 voter reminder posts and keep following us here) if you need help exercising your franchise. Convince like-minded friends and family to vote. Tell them to do the same.

If you have any questions, we're here.

  • Leslie Boen
    published this page in News 2022-10-31 07:01:08 -0400
