Letters to Editor: Reproductive rights
“With the county facing health and economic crises due to the pandemic, you would think the five Republicans tasked with leading our county would be focusing on these important local issues.
They're not. Instead they side step and distract from their blatant failures by passing pointless resolutions hoping to distract the county from their inability to lead effectively and govern the way that is necessary to keep the county at its residents heads above water.”
Oroho, voice of 60 million fetuses
On Saturday, Right to Live proponents gathered at Newton Green to protest what they call government “funding” of Planned Parenthood because the women’s health organization provides safe and legal abortions among its numerous services.
Read moreOroho sponsors anti-abortion bill
Less than a month after the election, Texas and Ohio became the first states to pass Draconian anti-abortion laws, indicating the extent to which Republican state legislators are reading the national election result as a green light to begin chipping away at civil liberties—and as always, the reproductive rights of women are a favorite target. If Sussex County’s delegation to New Jersey’s legislature has its way, New Jersey will be among them.
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