Minimum wage bill tabled until Christie leaves
Almost 1 million workers in New Jersey labor for the minimum wage of $8.38 an hour, well below what it costs to provide basic support to a single adult. But relief won’t be coming while Chris Christie is still in office.
Read moreGOP Gubernatorial Candidate against Minimum Wage Increase
The leading Republican candidate for governor has publicly come out against raising New Jersey’s minimum wage, and also opposes requiring private employers to provide paid sick leave.
Read more132,000 NJ Workers Denied OT Pay
A federal judge in Texas issued a nationwide injunction on Tuesday against an Obama administration regulation expanding by millions the number of workers who would be eligible for time-and-a-half overtime pay.
Read moreChristie Veto Deals Blow to Unions - Sussex GOP On Board
On Monday, Gov. Chris Christie vetoed legislation that would have allowed striking workers to collect unemployment benefits while their employers are in violation of labor contracts or agreements.
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