Think of the over three hundred families that can never stop mourning. The communities that will never really recover.
It’s time to take steps so this can finally end.
It’s time to force our elected officials to DO SOMETHING. That is their job.
After Columbine, as we mourned for the students and families, we asked, “what can we do?”
After Red Lake, as we mourned for the students and families, we said, “this has to stop!”
We were told that it was too soon.
After Virginia Tech, as we mourned for the students and families, we said, “this time we have to fix it!”
We were told it would happen.
After Sandy Hook, as we mourned for 20 FIRST GRADERS, their families, and indeed for our country, we said, “THIS TIME IS ENOUGH!”
We simply couldn’t let this pass. We had to do something!
We were told not to be rash, not to rush into things.
Because after 13 years of incomprehensible slaughter we’d be rushing? Surely this time we could change?
In 2014, there were 30 more shootings. Then there was Santa Fe, and Parkland, and now Uvalde.
And again and again and again we mourn. We cry, we grieve, we agonize. We offer thoughts and prayers.
Think of the over three hundred families that can never stop mourning. The communities that will never really recover.
It’s time to take steps so this can finally end.
It’s time to force our elected officials to DO SOMETHING. That is their job.