Phoebus Challenges Mr. Gas Tax for GOP Senate Nomination

Gail Phoebus, a Republican currently representing New Jersey’s twenty-fourth legislative district in the State Assembly, has petitioned to run for the State Senate, challenging incumbent Steven Oroho.

phoebus-sen-450.jpgAssemblywoman Phoebus announced her candidacy on Sunday, ending weeks of speculation.

Phoebus fell out of favor with the Sussex County GOP establishment when she would not support the gas bill sponsored by Senator Oroho, which burdened commuting residents of Sussex County with the cost of paying for the transportation infrastructure while at the same time providing an even greater tax reduction to the State’s wealthiest citizens in the form of elimination of the inheritance tax. Oroho, in addition to his Senate position as NJ state leader of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is also an investment advisor with Stonebridge Capital Management.

“The gas tax is going to be a central issue of the primary campaign”, Phoebus explained to the Herald.

Hal Wirths was named to replace Phoebus on the GOP ticket in 2017, which includes Oroho and Parker Space. There are, as of yet, no plans for Phoebus to join with the two GOP assembly challengers, Nathan Orr, of Branchville, and David Atwood, of Sparta.

