NJ Dems Fight Back Against Trump, Oroho, and Space

While Oroho and Space strategize to increase deportations, New Jersey Democrats and their counterparts in New York are fighting back not only with words, but with action.

gordon-weinberg-450.jpgDespite that fact that 13,000 people from the banned countries already live in New Jersey—without fomenting a single terrorist incident—Oroho called support of the ban a “moment of truth” for the GOP, and insisted it is directed at keeping Americans safe.

While Sussex County’s delegates to the state government are reveling in their xenophobia, elsewhere in the state Democrats are vowing a fight.

At a joint press conference at Liberty State Park, Democratic legislators, including NJ Senate majority leader Loretta Weinberg and Sen. Bob Gordon, from both states called for legislation barring the NY-NJ Port Authority, which operates JFK and Newark airports, from enforcing the ban.

Leading Democrats are calling for a resolution to condemn the ban, and at the municipal level Democratic mayors such as Steve Fulop of Jersey City and Ras Baraka of Newark have vowed to protect all their residents, regardless of their religion or country of origin.

A recent poll by Fairleigh Dickson University PublicMind found that a majority of out state’s residents realize that Trump’s draconian, sweeping anti-Muslim measures won’t keep us safer.

Oroho and Space are not among them.
