The Andover Township Democratic Committee meets about once a month.
For the latest information, follow them on Facebook to find out when they meet next!
The Andover Township Committee meets on the first and third Thursday of the month and are held at the Municipal Building, located at 134 Newton Sparta Road, Newton, NJ 07860. Meetings will commence at 6 PM, at which time the meeting will be opened, immediately followed by a closed Executive Session. The regular public meeting will resume at 7 PM. The public is encouraged to attend.
January 7, 21 | May 6, 20 | September 2, 16 |
February 4, 18 | June 3, 17 | October 7, 21 |
March 4, 18 | July 1, 15 | November 4, 18 |
April 1, 15 | August 5, 19 | December 2, 16 |
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