Mulshine likes Oroho’s gas tax, ignores the rest of his scheme

Star Ledger’s resident “conservative” columnist, Paul Mulshine, praises Sussex County State Senator Steve Oroho for facing up to the Transportation Trust Fund crisis by calling for an increase in New Jersey’s gas tax.

Steve_Oroho_01.jpgMulshine lauds Oroho’s call to action and contrasts it to Governor Christie’s refusal to face the need for revenue to fund repairs to New Jersey’s decaying roads and infrastructure

Mulshine’s praise for Oroho’s plan is fine -- as far as it goes. Unfortunately, he ignores the rest of Oroho’s scheme. He leaves out that, despite the state’s horrendous revenue shortfalls, Oroho seeks to eliminate the estate tax; and that he also would create a rebate system that smacks of the real estate tax rebate debacle.

You can read more about Oroho’s plan at HERE and HERE.
