Sussex Legislators Sponsor Stunningly Broad Removal of Weapons Restrictions in NJ

Just weeks after the current legislative session started, Gail Phoebus and Parker Space sponsored a bill in Trenton that is stunning in its scope for repealing nearly every major weapons restriction in New Jersey.

Bill A626, in forty-five pages, removes dozens of safeguards in New Jersey’s firearms laws. Many of those currently enjoy broad bipartisan support across the country.

During the LD24 candidates’ forum held on October 27, 2015, sponsored by the New Jersey Herald, Parker Space remarked “There is nothing better than an unregistered gun, believe me.”

You can see that moment here:

Space would later tell the Herald that he was only joking.

Don’t believe him. This is no joke. His bill removes the requirement to obtain a firearms purchaser identification card (FPID). It also removes the requirement to obtain a permit to purchase a gun for persons older than age sixteen.

According to the Pew Research Center, 88% of the population favors background checks for gun shows and private sales, including 79% of those who identify as Republicans.  Under the bill, all New Jersey background checks will be eliminated.

No longer would permits be required for carrying a firearm, turning New Jersey into an open-carry state.

In that same video clip, candidate Jacky Stapel noted that many people who purchase guns through a private transfer fail to register their weapon. Gail Phoebus exclaimed “You’ve got to enforce the law!” Don’t believe her. Her bill voids those laws, as most transfers of firearms would no longer be restricted.

In that same Pew survey, 57% of Americans favored a ban on assault weapons. This bill would lift that ban.

Under the bill, all restrictions on defacing firearms are eliminated. That allows the gun owner to scratch out the serial number of the weapon.

The list goes on:

  • All restrictions on high-capacity ammunition magazines are removed.
  • Many laws related to the unlawful possession, carrying, sale, transfer, and manufacture of firearm are eliminated.
  • Committing any crime while in possession of a firearm would be reduced to a third degree crime for which there would be no mandatory minimum sentences or periods of parole ineligibility.
  • All restrictions on sawed off shotguns are removed.

This is no joke.
