Should Congress repeal ObamaCare?

Warren County Democratic Committee Chair Tom Palmieri calls our attention to Congressman Scott Garrett's request for information:

hhsgov.jpgHello.  The link below is a survey that Congressman Garrett is taking on the ACA/ObamaCare. My guess is he is looking to use negative numbers to use in a press release on the Affordable Care Act. The single question the Congressman ask in the survey is,

"I want to know what you think. Do you agree with me that ObamaCare needs to be repealed?"

I would like to have as many people respond to this survey as possible. We need to remind the Congressman that there are people who believe that the ACA was a step in the right direction. For people outside his district you still can vote. The survey does not block people from outside the 5th District, so vote! You will have to supply an email address to participate in the survey. So if you can, please vote and share with your friends. This an experiment in what will happen when a Congressman receives a message that he does not want to hear. Thank you for your help.

Tom Palmieri
Warren County Democratic [email protected]

