Sussex Borough Republicans Look Out for their Own

Sussex Borough Mayor Ed Meyer held the position for eleven days. During that time he vetoed an ordinance which would have charged restaurants a water usage rate based on their number of outdoor seats as well as indoor seats. Currently, only indoor seats are considered. Meyer criticized the change as being anti-business, but which business exactly?

sussex_inn_01.jpgEric Obernauer from the New Jersey Herald wrote an excellent piece on this.

Meyer was named to fill the position when the previous mayor, Jonathan Rose, resigned to take his elected position on the Board of Chosen Freeholders early. The vacancy was filled by the Republican Party committee members from Sussex Borough, current councilman Bob Holowach and former councilwoman Marina Krynicky. They signed their nomination of Meyers as “Team Parrott”.

“Parrott” refers to former Republican mayor Chris Parrott, and current owner of the Sussex Inn, a very large restaurant in Sussex Borough with many outdoor seats.

According to the Herald, while in office, Parrott accumulated past due water charges of over $125,000. This was settled when the State purchased some property owned by the Inn for the road expansion. Since that settlement, the Inn has accumulated additional delinquent water and sewer payments in excess of $6,500.
