The passing of a good friend, and Democrat

Our good friend, and longtime Democratic Party activist, John Lydon, passed away on Monday night, December 7th, 2015.

We will miss John. We will remember that we could rely on John to promote the Party and its ideals. We could count on John to take part in any event sponsored by the SCDC. We also remember the humor with which he delivered anecdotes learned over years as an activist in the Democratic Party both here in Sussex County, and earlier in Bergen County.

John’s activities in support of the ideals of the Democratic Party went beyond taking part in partisan politics. An example of his activism was cited at the 2014 Sussex County Democratic Party Convention. Here are some of the words from the welcoming address:

"The people in this room -- residents of Sussex County who stand up and call themselves Democrats -- are champions for Democratic values.

"This is the reason I am proud to serve as Chair of the Sussex County Democratic Party.

"I’d like to acknowledge one person in this room who has been a long-term advocate for Democratic ideals. John Lydon, please stand up.

"John has been a part of the party – and especially a champion of its ideals -- for decades –

"First in Bergen County, where he served in several posts on the Bergen County Democratic Committee. Actually he served as its Treasurer at the same time that our keynote speaker – Loretta Weinberg -- served as its Secretary. He was also a candidate for elective office.

"Since moving to Sussex County he has been a strong supporter of our Party.

"But what causes me to single John out now, is that I just learned that John was a major player in the Civil Rights movement of the sixties. I think it appropriate that you know that we share this room with a man that walked with the Reverend Martin Luther King in Selma, Alabama.

"Ebony Magazine chronicles Dr. John Lydon as a part of the medical staff helping with the march led by Dr. King. Of course, John’s doctorate wasn’t in medicine. But that technicality didn’t stop John from lending a hand, and becoming a part of the history of the Civil Rights Movement.

"Thank you John for all that you have done, and for being here today."
