After four decades of GOP representation

Republicans have exclusively represented Sussex County in the New Jersey Assembly for over four decades. And what does Sussex County have to show for it?

Commuter routes to and from the county have become parking lots.  Sussex County landowners subject of the Highlands Act remain uncompensated.

Public offices are closing down. One example is the deserted New Jersey Forestry Service office in Franklin where grass now grows in the parking lot.

There is no effective public transportation service to or from, or even within, the county.

New Jersey Governors, Democrat and Republican alike, ignore our county. This year, during fair week, Chris Christie attended a nearby event. He didn’t bother stopping by.

And the list goes on. Clearly, we lack constructive representation in Trenton. We don’t have an effective voice.

As a result, people are moving away.

And it doesn’t look like anything will change soon.  This New Jersey Herald article by Rob Jennings tells why our newly minted Assemblywoman, Gail Phoebus, will have no impact on Trenton’s inattention to Sussex County’s real concerns.
