It appears that our governor wouldn’t even carry New Jersey if the GOP nominates him to run for President in the 2016 election.
It looks like the only group that continues to love (or sufficiently fear) Chris Christie are the Republicans who serve in our state’s legislature. Reasonable gun safety will suffer.
A second attempt is underway to override Christie’s veto of a unanimously passed bill requiring notice to law enforcement when would-be gun purchasers seek to have mental health records expunged. (S2360) Christie’s veto, and the failure to override it, makes sense only in the context of Christie’s pandering to gun-totin’ voters who flood Republican primaries. Nevertheless, Republicans in the legislature are expected to show their unconditional love for Chris Christie by blocking the override.
Senate President Steve Sweeney is not letting them off the hook.
@SCDCNJ tweeted this page. 2015-10-13 16:45:23 -0400GOP state legislators continue to love Christie; NJ voters don’t · Retweet · Favorite