The underlying premise of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), signed decades ago, is that if a nation forgoes developing nuclear weapons, countries that already possess nuclear technology will assist it to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
With the exception of a few countries, notably North Korea, Israel, Pakistan and India, the concept seems to be working. Not only are most nations adhering to the restriction on development of nuclear weapons, several have given up programs that were well on the way to producing such weapons. In fact, South Africa already had nuclear weapons and gave them up.
This, underlying premise of the NPT is part and parcel of the proposed nuclear deal with Iran signed by the United States, Great Britain, France .Germany, China and Russia. And now, along comes Congressman Scott Garrett. In his wisdom, Garrett seeks to bar our country from honoring not only the recently negotiated Iran agreement, but our obligations under the NPT as well.
He is the sole sponsor of HR 3273, a bill which would bar the United States from undertaking any civil nuclear cooperation with Iran. In other words, if Garrett has his way, even if Iran totally capitulates and surrenders control of its nuclear program to international interests, American nuclear power industry would be discouraged from engaging in business with Iran.
One wonders if lobbyists for Russia and China, both of whom are chomping at the bit to do nuclear business with Iran, wrote Garrett’s bill for him.
Fortunately it appears that no other legislators have followed Garrett’s lead.
@SCDCNJ tweeted this page. 2015-08-21 16:42:02 -0400Garrett challenges international nuclear non-proliferation regime · Retweet · Favorite